You're a rock star in your business but writing isn't your thing.

You're in luck. 

Welcome to Your Copy Lab. I'll take care of your words so you can grow your business.

Contact the Lab

Copywriting services

Words are critical to growing your business and I'm here to help you get them right. Whether you're starting out or scaling up, a professional copywriter (that's me) can help. Don't see what you need? Drop me a line and we'll chat.

Great Selling

A brilliant sales page can often make the difference between a "meh" launch and one to celebrate. Let's head straight for the bubbles.

Help Me Sell

Horn Tooting

Writing your bio, about page or social profiles makes you cringe. Tell me everything and I'll take care of it. It's as easy as one, toot, three.

Write About Me

Effortless Emailing

Getting your words just right means relationships run smoothly. I'll write email sequences that get the results you need.

Spill the Beans

Copy editing services

You've written your copy but you just. can't. fiddle. anymore. I get it. Here's how I can help to get your words tuned *just right*.


You provide the copy, I provide the magic. You'll end up with beautifully edited words that sparkle all over. 

Book Here


I'll fine-tune your messages so you can step back into your business with tight, impactful communication.

Let's Get Going

Rescue Lightning

You're stuck in a writing rut and you need help, fast. We'll work together for an hour and get you on your way.

Rescue Me

Language Checking

English isn't your first language? Writing fluidly can be tricky. Hand me your words. I'll shine them up and you'll be on your way.

Lab Work Please

Lost in Translation

More comfortable writing in French? No problem. Your Copy Lab offers professional translations from French to English in a jiffy.

Translation Please

Welcome lab partner,

I'm Anne and I created Your Copy Lab for entrepreneurs like you.

You know what you want to say but you can't quite get there. I can help, and I'll happily be Your Copy Lab partner.

My lab bag is stocked with nearly 20 years of corporate and agency communications experience, hundreds of successful pitches and press releases that catapulted my clients into the world's biggest news outlets. I've also got a knack for adapting (and translating) copy written by French and Spanish speakers into fluent English.

You can either hand me your rough drafts for a sprinkling of Lab magic or work with me to craft the perfect words to attract your dream clients. Whatever you choose, we'll get you sorted.

Click on the icons above to learn how I can help. Don't see what you're looking for? Write to [email protected] and I'll get you out of that writing rut in a flash.

"I recently wrote a passionate rebuttal to an article I saw, but managed to "lose the message." Anne was able to see what it meant to me and helped me identify what was really there. She showed me how there was so much more scope in that piece if I broke it down. I now have a three-part blog series that offers clear, valuable information, and I know it will be the foundation of lots more posts on the subject. I cannot recommend Anneโ€™s work highly enough. "

Karen Quinn, perfumer

"Anne has a way with words that cuts right to the emotion of the subject in hand. She paints a vivid picture with her copy and the attention to detail is an inspiration."

Laura Husson

"I'm always inspired by what Anne writes. Her words are always thought-provoking, inviting, interesting and compelling. I wish I could write like her!"

Lauren Whitworth

Hand your words over to Your Copy Lab so you can relax and get back to doing what you love