Why Your Copy Lab?

You're the founder of your business, and when you're rocking your zone of genius, there’s no stopping you.

You are amazing.

The services or products you share with the world are your gifts to us all. Doing what you do is effortless and it feels SO GOOD.

If only writing about it were that easy.




For many people, telling dream clients (or even your neighbour) how your business can change their lives can feel uncomfortable.

I get that.

Maybe you're in the early phases of your biz and your words tumble out every time you talk about it. 

Your enthusiasm is gorgeous.

Verbal excess… not so much.


Maybe you’ve been doing this for a while, and you’ve got your messages and magical “one sentence” done and dusted. But they need a little sprucing up and writing is NOT your forte.



Wherever you are on this wild entrepreneurial ride, Your Copy Lab was built to dig you out of all the writing ruts you’ll face along the way.

Struggling to find the right tone for that critical email?

Wishing the writing fairies would deliver your key messages on a sparkly plate?

Squirming uncomfortably at the thought of crafting your about page or bio?

Have a minor writing emergency and need to call in backup?


You’re in luck. 




Hi, I’m Anne and I created Your Copy Lab for entrepreneurs like you.

Let's be honest: writing isn't everyone's bag.

Being brilliant at what YOU do doesn't always translate into being a good writer.

It's a good thing we've met then, because I can help.

I'm a lover of language, a life-long devourer of books (they're the first thing I unpack when I move, right after the kitchen), and a delighted editor.

No, really.

I love editing other people’s writing.

It’s fun, exciting and usually pretty quick.


While I may not be a fairy, I DO have a magical backpack stocked with a university degree in English Language and Literature, a post-grad degree in Public Relations and nearly 20 years of corporate and agency communication experience.

I’ve written more press releases than I can remember, crafted speeches and trained dozens of clients to speak to media. I’ve pitched successfully to the world’s biggest news outlets and I know how to write so they’ll pay attention.

Oh, and as a fun bonus: I speak, read and write fluent French (my other first language) and Spanish.

If English isn’t your first language and your starting point is French or Spanish, I’d be happy to help you smooth out your English writing. I do it for my (Spanish) husband all the time.

If you need a hand up out of a writing rut or a loving nudge to complete your most recent writing project, drop me a line at [email protected]and we'll get started.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, let me know and we can set up a time to talk. If I can’t help you I’ll find someone who can, and you’ll be on your way in a flash.