Your Copy Lab Services


Your Copy Lab takes care of your words so you can go back to rocking your business. Here's how I can help.

Horn Tooting

You know it's important to tell the world about you, but you feel so squirmy whenever you try. No worries, I'll get to know you and write beautiful words to describe you and what you do. And I can do it across all platforms. 

Biography // $270 USD

Includes: Writing a bio of up to 250 word based on 30-minute client briefing and review of materials provided by you (the client) and one round of edits*

About page // $450 USD

Includes: Writing up to 600 words of About Page copy, based on 30-minute client briefing, review of materials provided by you and two rounds of edits*

About page + 1 social media profile // $490 USD

Includes: writing About Page as above, plus two social media profiles of up to 100 words each, plus two edits of each piece*

About page + biography // $540 USD

Includes: combined package writing of biography and About Page (as above, including same number of revisions)

About page + 2 social media profiles // $540 USD

Includes: writing About Page as above, plus two social media profiles of up to 100 words each, plus two edits of each piece*

About page + 3 social media profiles // $610 USD

Includes: writing About Page as above plus three social media profiles of up to 100 words each, plus two edits of each piece*

About page + 4 social media profiles // $700 USD

Includes: writing About Page as above plus four social media profiles of up to 100 words each, plus two edits of each piece*

About page + biography + up to 4 social media profiles // $800 USD

Includes: full horn tooting package comprised of one About Page (max 600 words), one biography (max 200 words) and four social media profiles

Make Me Look Good

Wordsmithing (AKA copy editing)

You provide the text, and I'll work my editing magic. Here are a few examples of what I can edit for you and what's included in the price:

Opt-in Page // $90 USD

Includes: editing up to 250 words, one 15-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Thank You Page // $90 USD

Includes: editing up to 250 words, one 15-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Email // $180 USD

Includes: editing up to 250 words, one 15-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Blog Post // $270 USD

Includes: editing up to 600 words, one 30-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Home Page // $270 USD

Includes: editing up to 800 words, one 30-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

About Page // $270 USD

Includes: editing up to 800 words, one 30-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Print Article // $360 USD

Includes: editing up to 1,400 words, 30-minute client briefing and two rounds of edits*

Sales Page // $590 USD

Includes: editing up to 600 words, one 30-minute client briefing and one round of edits*

Tell Me What You Need


Messaging // $540 USD

You're struggling to get your story out in a short, impactful way. Send me everything you've got so far. I'll review it, we'll brainstorm and play for an hour and I'll go away to refine your key messages. They'll be ready for you to use to attract your dream clients!

Includes: Review of all materials from you, a one-hour brainstorming session, writing of 3 - 5 key messages and 2 rounds of edits*


Let's Talk

Rescue Lightning // $140 USD

You're stuck in a rut, and you need help to get moving again. You provide the text and context, and we'll spend an hour working together live and in (virtual) person to get you out of that writing rut.

Includes: one hour live working call with me (via ZOOM or Skype), to work through your copy to get you moving again. Does not include any rounds of edits or follow-up.

Book a Lightning Session

Language Checking // $270 USD

English isn't your first language, but you need your emails to read like it's your native tongue... or you've got a presentation coming, and you want to make sure the language is spot-on. I've been doing this work for a decade, and I'm used to helping executives get their copy just right. 

Includes: review of your materials (email, brief presentation, application, etc.), 30-minute client briefing, editing time and one round of edits*

Fix my Words

Copy Writing 

Bespoke copy writing services available upon request. Scope, timings and terms to be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Quotes provided upon request.

Explore the Possibilities

* SUPER IMPORTANT: One round of edits means that you review my work, and give me your comments. I make changes according to your comments and we're done! If you need any further changes I'll bill any additional time at my hourly rate of $100 USD with a 30-minute minimum.

"Anne's attention to detail combined with her strong writing skills ensured outgoing communications were always highly impactful -- whether they were intended to create awareness of new products or to diffuse a sensitive and potentially negative market influence. Anne consistently delivers tremendous value to the projects and organisations she works with."

Margaret Penfold
Healthcare & wellness executive

"Anne is a powerful and insightful communicator. Her words always journey to the heart of a matter and bring forth a description with great clarity and depth of intention. Many times if l have struggled to express with exactness what l am trying to convey she has intuitively known how to express what needs to be communicated with a depth that inspires confidence and action."

Emma Lynn
Singer, songwriter, activist, mother, world traveler

Ready to get to work?

Let's get started.